Jinko Solar (JS) is a renown solar technology player who produces photovoltaic products and clean energy solutions. The business covers all corners of the globe of up to 3000 customers. JS was ranked the first in global module shipment between 2016 and 2019. The demand for sustainability solutions remain strong and promising as its continues to be every business’s priority.

Business Challenges

1. Serialized label requirements - There is a critical need to label and serialize each solar panel. Due to high volume and label changeover, there is high risk of serial number duplication leading to item downgrade and financial losses
2. Miniature label - Manually inspecting small labels of 8 mm in height poses a challenge of guaranteeing full quality control of the production process
3. Track and trace system - Lack of automated system to track defects and monitor printing status. JS needs a system to ensure operator accountability

The integrated solutions of BLC (B-ZT5136) offer competitiveness, operational feasibility and AI applications for JS. They include the key features below through an interface with Zebra ZT510 industrial printer:

Multi-printer management - BLC supports simulteneous multi-printer operations, fulfills 100% inspection and ensures no serial number duplication within the printing network

Label detection through AI - The system not only takes into account duplication, but also printing quality, alignment and damages via an alert system. This prevents the defects from flowing downstream

Status log - The inspection system offers the possibility of generating status log and tracking defects. The images are retained within BLC for efficient tracking


The BLC solution implementation has put a stop to the challenge of serial number duplication at JS. This project yields an ROI of less than six months. JS continues to gain customer confidence and maintain market competitiveness as the leader in the industry.